2019 Moose Survey Completed

Pat Mathews, ODFW biologist, completed a helicopter moose survey in the Wenaha and West Sled Springs Units in late January. A total of 13 moose, including 4 cows, 2 calves, and 7 bulls were located. The same number were located last year. In ad- dition, a dead moose was found that had been partially consumed by wolves.

The Wenaha wolf pack range includes the moose survey area and last sum- mer, a Umatilla Forest biologist locat- ed a moose that had been freshly killed by wolves. Moose numbers ap- pear to be dropping in northeast Ore- gon from the 36 observed in 2009. Two additional bulls were known to have been taken in 2018. One was poached in the Chesnimnus area and the other taken by a Nez Perce tribal member in the Wenaha Unit. These losses are unfortunate and jeoprodizethe survival of Oregon’s small moose population.
The Wallowa District biologists were able to capture an 8-month old bull and radio-collar it. There are now six radio collared moose in the Wenaha and Sled Springs Units. The collars were purchased by Oregon FNAWS and the Oregon Hunters Association. Moose advocates in Oregon need to be concerned about the apparent decline in the states small moose herd. Sur- rounding states have seen declines in moose numbers in areas that contain thriving wolf populations. In this writers view, a moose transplant needs to be done to bolsterOregon’s small Shira’s moose herd and provide additional genetic diversity to the small population.

Article by Vic Coggins