Here's just a small sampling of the projects we have hosted and assisted with to put sheep on the mountain.
ION Partnership - Idaho, Oregon, Nevada
Tristate Project - Oregon, Washington, Idaho

2022 Fields oregon guzzler project
California Bighorn Sheep transplant 2020
Adlrich Juniper cut 2020
A group of 17 volunteers cleared 10 acres of Juniper trees in efforts to allow natural springs to emerge as well as provide better food sources for wildlife. This event took place in February with the assistance from Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Theadore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership.
leslie gulch guzzler rebuild
Over 65 volunteer and agency workers donated their time to help repair guzzlers to provide big horn sheep fresh drinking water.
Schneider wildlife area juniper cut
Removing trees that are highly demanding in water allows for other food sources to grow for big horn sheep to feed on.
hells canyon tracking & recording
members of Oregon Wild Sheep Foundation, Washington Wild Sheep and Idaho Wild Sheep come together capture, collar, and monitor new sheep in the hells canyon area