ION Partnership - Idaho, Oregon, Nevada

Beyond Borders: Tri-State Oregon, Washington, Idaho

Hopes & Dreams: The Opportunity Ewe

One of our board members, Marcus Gores, shared the experience and story of one of the most achievable sheep hunts in Oregon. We now want to share with you how to join the Wild Sheep Community and help with the conservation efforts to Put and Keep Wild Sheep on the Mountain.

We conserve wild sheep through outreach, restoration, and research.

The primary focus of Oregon Wild Sheep Foundation is to enhance the population, health and vitality of bighorn sheep herds in Oregon.

This objective is accomplished through educating Oregonians about North American wild sheep, funding projects aimed at conservation and game management, and protecting, defending and preserving the lawful right of recreational hunting as a method promoting Bighorn sheep conservation, habitat restoration and a means to safeguard the decline or extinction of any such indigenous species.

To access our previous website CLICK HERE



Find out about our organization,
mission, our methods, and the results of conservation efforts.


Take Action

Ready to take the next step? You can become a member of our organization and participate in our events


Up coming events

Juniper Cut

February 21st-23rd

Dayville, OR

Contact: Larry Jacobs: 503-784-1358

Board Meetings

Board Meetings Conducted on Zoom

Email: for Board Meeting Zoom Link

February 6th 6:30pm

March 6th 6:30pm

April 3rd 6:30pm

May 1st 6:30pm